Tips to assemble the best PC in low budget....
Its always a very confusing task to assemble a high end PC at low budget. As it is not always compulsory that for a high performance PC you should require more money. You can also purchase a very high end PC at very low cost but you must have proper knowledge regarding the components of the Computer.
So Here I am today to tell you how you must assemble your system.
The most important thing is that you must decide for what purpose actually you want to assemble a PC. that is you want to assemble a gaming pc, for programming purpose, for video editing purpose (4K), for servers, for normal work, for all round work etc.
This are the things you must take into consideration :
1. Chipset (motherboard)
This is another most important thing chipset is basically a series of processors that a motherboard can support. It is the chipset that decides which processor will be mounted on that particular motherboard. So instead of directly going to the processor we must first of all select the chipset. Then according to the chipset support to can select the processor.
My suggestion is that if you want to build any type of PC you must go for high end chipset. And if in case the budget is low you can install the lower end processor in that which can be further upgraded.
When it comes to processors basically there are only two processor manufacturing companies available in the market Intel and AMD. Mainly the AMD processors have a bit higher clock speed than the Intel processors. They are basically more gaming oriented. The main disadvantage is that it require a bigger cooling unit. This is the reason why Intel is preferred more in high end PCs than AMD.
So My Suggestion is that you must go with the Intel processor and with main stream series (i.e i3,i5,i7,i9). Now the question is that which processor we must choose....
For Normal Purpose (i.e using Word and other normal things) Intel i3 is the best.
It consist of basically 2 Cores, 3-4 MB Cache, Clock speed is between 3.00 to 3.40 GHz
For All round purpose (i.e programming purpose, low end video editing etc) Intel i5 is the best.
It consist of basically 4 Cores, 6 MB Cache, Clock speed is between 2.80 to 3.70 GHz
For High end video editing purpose Intel i7,i9 is the best.
It consist of basically 4 to 10 Cores, 8 to 13 MB Cache, Clock speed is between 2.80 to 4.30 GHz
For servers obviously you have to switch to Intel Extremes (e) or Intel Xenon (x).
After choosing high end processor and motherboard, the next job is to choose a high end RAM which must compatible with your processor and motherboard.It is always advised that you must you go for the latest available RAM and the Maximum frequency RAM.
My suggestion is that you must install a multi channel ram in your system so that the flow of data can be parallel and the performance can be optimized.
Multi Channel ram means that Instead of installing one chip of 8 GB you can install 4 chips of 2 GB( 4 x 2 GB) RAM and make it a Quad channel RAM. Care should be that all the chips must be of same frequency otherwise Deadlock can occur.
4. Storage Device
Now its time to choose the Hard Disk, Here the choose remains with the buyer
Storage Devices are basically of three types SDD, HDD, SSHD.
SDDs : These are the fastest drives but the storage capacity is the minimum, they are very costly. They are basically available upto certain TBs (Terabytes).
HDDs : These are the Mechanical Hard Drives speed is slow as compared to SDDs but the storage capacity is maximum. They are cheaper.
SSHDs : Engineers are found a good alternative to storage devices. That is the SSHDs (Solid State Hybrid Drives). These are the Combination of the SSDs and HDDs. Both SSDs and HDDs are embedded in the single device so that the cost can be reduced and can be afforded by everybody.
I think while purchasing the Storage Device you must buy a SSHD and load the Operating system in the SSD and keep the Data in HDD.
5. Now the remaining items you can purchase according to your own Understanding.
You must install a suitable Power Supply (SMPS), DVD Writer, Graphic card and other additional components such as sound card, video card etc.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tips to assemble the best PC in low budget....
Reviewed by Abhi
July 27, 2017

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