Kali Linux :The Hackers Paradise
As today’s world is getting more and more digital, so in the digital world the security becomes the major issue. There are mainly the virus, malware's, Trojan horses, etc affecting the operating system. But there is an operating system that is not prone to the virus attacks and that Operating system is the Linux Operating system.
Kali Linux is basically a open source Operating system. It is a Debian based Linux Distribution. Its main purpose is advanced penetration testing and reverse engineering. It provides the user almost 600+ tools aiming towards the penetration security, security research, computer forensic and reverse engineering. These all tools are very helpful for ethical hackers, black hat hackers, white hat hackers, gray hat hackers. This is the reason why it is called as THE HACKERS PARADISE.
It is called as the Open Source Software because it is easily available on the official website of the developers and free of costs. They are completely customizable i.e user can change anything and everything according to his will by using his own shell script or batch script. It provides a multi language support; it is mainly available in all the languages. It has a support in both platforms that are 32 bit and 64 bit architecture processor (x64 & x86).
Another important feature is that of Bootable Forensic mode. It enables the user to load the operating system at the boot time and helps the programmer to do its job at the boot time without touching the inside data of the system. That’s why the data remains safe in Kali Linux. During the boot time all the user has to do is select the Forensic menu.
The various important tools available in the Kali Linux are:

Now many user has the question whether to install the Kali Linux in the Virtual Machine or to create a multi bootable system.
Linux Operating system also has many versions like Fedora, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Linux Mint, and Deepin etc these all are called as the Linux Family. These all the operating system are used for the specific purpose. As Kali Linux is used for specially penetration testing, security research, computer forensic etc.
Kali Linux is basically a open source Operating system. It is a Debian based Linux Distribution. Its main purpose is advanced penetration testing and reverse engineering. It provides the user almost 600+ tools aiming towards the penetration security, security research, computer forensic and reverse engineering. These all tools are very helpful for ethical hackers, black hat hackers, white hat hackers, gray hat hackers. This is the reason why it is called as THE HACKERS PARADISE.
It is called as the Open Source Software because it is easily available on the official website of the developers and free of costs. They are completely customizable i.e user can change anything and everything according to his will by using his own shell script or batch script. It provides a multi language support; it is mainly available in all the languages. It has a support in both platforms that are 32 bit and 64 bit architecture processor (x64 & x86).
The Developer of the Kali Linux is Offensive Security and Kernel type is Monolithic kernel. The best thing about this Linux is that it has a FHS. FHS stands for File System Hierarchy this allows the user to locate binaries and support the files, libraries etc.
Another important feature is that of Bootable Forensic mode. It enables the user to load the operating system at the boot time and helps the programmer to do its job at the boot time without touching the inside data of the system. That’s why the data remains safe in Kali Linux. During the boot time all the user has to do is select the Forensic menu.
The various important tools available in the Kali Linux are:
- Nmap : The full form of the nmap is Network mapping. It is basically used for scanning the network and identifying on which network you are in.
- Aircrack-ng : used for wireless hacking, for cracking of the wifi password.
- Wireshark : it is a network protocol analyzer.
- Metaspolit framework- for exploitation
- Burpsuite : used for web application cracking
- Johntheripper : It is used for offline hacking.
- Maltego: It is used for ntelligence gathering.
- Sqlmapping : for exploiting using SQl Injections and Vulnerabilities.

Now many user has the question whether to install the Kali Linux in the Virtual Machine or to create a multi bootable system.
My suggestion is that you must create a multi bootable system because the Virtual Machine does not provide access to all the tools and hardware components access needs third party software in VM. So go for Multibootable system.
Kali Linux :The Hackers Paradise
Reviewed by Unknown
August 07, 2017

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